ZPG-Vacuum Rake Dryer

Rake Agitator Vacuum Conduction Dryer:
The Rake Dryer comes with a large area jacket heating system and a rake agitator that increases the heating surface area making it easier to move and heat materials. It can operate at temperatures under vacuum conditions making it perfect, for handling flammable, organic solvent and heat sensitive materials.

Input: Liquids, Slurries, Pastes, Mashes

Output: Powder with 3%-10% moisture content

Temperature: Heat source temperature range of 50°C to 200°C

Additional Feature: Stirring, Mild Crushing

Innovative Multifunctional Vacuum Rake Drying Expert

The Rake Dryer utilizes a rake style mixing technique to dry various materials in a vacuum setting. This method is especially beneficial for materials to heat or oxidation allowing for quick drying at temperatures while maintaining material quality and purity. The rake design enhances drying effectiveness reduces drying time and decreases energy consumption providing users with a cost efficient drying option.

A Rake Dryer in an industrial setting, with a polished stainless steel exterior, visible piping, and a front opening for processing, set against an indoor backdrop.



A technician in blue protective clothing and hairnet is squatting while examining a clipboard and a digital device in a clean industrial environment. Above him, two large, shiny stainless steel vessels are suspended from the ceiling, connected to various pipes and hoses in blue, pink, and white. The machinery appears to be part of a sophisticated processing system, possibly for chemicals or pharmaceuticals, with a focus on hygiene and precision.
A green 3D paper airplane, crafted with intricate folds and a sharp, aerodynamic design, isolated on a white background.
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