DW-Belt Dryer

Continuous Convection Dryer with Mesh Belt:
This Belt Dryer can be set up with either one or mesh layers ensuring a spread of materials, for air drying in a particular direction. Its speed can be adjusted depending on the temperature and moisture content of the materials enabling it to operate at temperatures and handle processing of sizable batches.

Input: Permeable solids in sheets, strips, granules or blocks

Output: Sheet, strip, granule or block solids with 3%-8% moisture content

Temperature: Inlet air temperature <200°C

Additional Feature: Cooling

Energy-Efficient Belt Dryer :Advanced Drying Solution 

The Belt Dryer is a drying solution that stands out for its multilayer drying technology, which saves energy and ensures uniform drying. It is versatile and suitable, for materials enhancing both drying efficiency and space utilization with its multilayer design. Through control of temperature and speed it consistently produces high quality products while significantly reducing energy consumption.

A vertical image of a multilayer belt dryer in an industrial setting, with two tiers of conveyor belts within a large metallic structure. The belts are designed for drying processes, typically in a production line, and are equipped with motors on the sides for operation.



A technician in blue protective clothing and hairnet is squatting while examining a clipboard and a digital device in a clean industrial environment. Above him, two large, shiny stainless steel vessels are suspended from the ceiling, connected to various pipes and hoses in blue, pink, and white. The machinery appears to be part of a sophisticated processing system, possibly for chemicals or pharmaceuticals, with a focus on hygiene and precision.
A green 3D paper airplane, crafted with intricate folds and a sharp, aerodynamic design, isolated on a white background.
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